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Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Serious Neurological Symptoms You Must Watch Out For

Has your headache been going on for a while now? Have you gone through different doctors to no avail? It may be time to consult a neurology doctor in Ridgewood, New York, for your condition. Even with how seemingly harmless this a headache is, consul...

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Vitamins That Help Fight Inflammation

Inflammation may be caused by trauma, illness, stress, unhealthy foods, and lifestyle habits. Research shows that certain vitamins with anti-inflammatory compounds can lessen the effects of its symptoms. Today, we at MK Healthcare Medical, PC. — a ...

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What to Expect from an Internal Medicine Doctor

An internist could be a specialist or a general practitioner of internal medicine. A specialist doctor focuses on a single expertise, like rheumatology, pulmonology, cardiology, allergy, and gastroenterology. On the other hand, a general internal med...

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When You Should Visit a Family Care Doctor

If your family has a primary care doctor in Ridgewood, New York, you are fortunate to have someone who has the historical knowledge of your family’s health and status. Nonetheless, family care doctors accommodate both old and new patients. Visi...

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What is a Podiatrist and What Conditions Can They Treat?

Not many know about the term “podiatrist” which is why, today, we’re here to explain what exactly a podiatrist is and what ailments are they experts at treating. WHAT IS A PODIATRIST? A podiatrist is a medical specialist who helps with issues r...

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Ways to Reduce Chronic Stress in Your Daily Life

There are many things in life that we cannot understand. These often lead to frustration and stress quickly if we struggle with them for longer than we have to. As a responsible and compassionate Medical Clinic in New York, we at MK Healthcare Medica...

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